For Professionals
Professionals who work with alcoholics share a common purpose with A.A.: to help the alcoholic stop drinking. A.A. members are available to provide A.A. meetings or information about A.A. upon request. Professionals are welcome to observe open A.A. meetings to learn more about what happens in A.A.
CPCPI – Brian B.
Treatment/BTG – Mindy R.
BTG Request Form

Click here to download the DISTRICT 11 Where & When meeting guide to post at your location.
Public Information (P.I.) Cooperation with Professional Communities (C.P.C.)
CPC/PI Committee members are responsible for carrying the message of recovery to the still-suffering alcoholic by informing professionals and the general public about the A.A. program.
Members of the P.I. Committee are available to provide A.A. information and make presentations about the A.A. program upon request. Committee members carry the message of recovery to the media, schools, industry, and other organizations that can report on the nature and purpose of A.A. and what it can do for alcoholics.
CPCPI Primary Contact
Brian B. –
Bridging the Gap Committee
Bridging the Gap Committee members help newcomers transition into AA.
Alcoholics Anonymous members helping the newcomer into long-term sobriety by introducing them to the recovery community, helping the newcomer stay sober while they are transitioning from treatment or institutions into AA. We know that creating a community in recovery is one leg of the Three Legacies that make for a successful recovery.
Treatment/Bridging the Gap Primary Contact
Mindy R. –
For individuals releasing from treatment centers, use the BTG Request Form to notify Bridging the Gap volunteers.